Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two Weeks! ...Feels Like One

Hey All!

Sorry, two weeks. Another failing grade in blogging 101. Oh well, things get busy at camp and stuff needs to happen. Especially in the first weeks. Things are settled in for the most part now so I can see a little clearer now.

Camp is going just swell so far. The campers coming are going from unsure about the gospel (or downright negative towards it) to having questions, buying bibles and yelling at each other to be quiet so they can read said bibles (not even a lie!) It is truly amazing how God can work in such a short amount of time when he wants. He can also take a long time without having to explain himself. It is at the same time frustrating and awe-inspiring the way He works.

Things are going splendidly program-wise though and here are some pics to prove it. Some skateboard wizardy, some canoeing fun, and a little piece of our After 8 action as well.

Well, that's all I have for now. Sorry it took so long to get this up here. I actually started trying on Thursday, but our internet connection doesn't often work that well in the cloudy weather. Oh well. Until next time,


Saturday, June 28, 2008


I don't even know what to say right now. Camp starts tomorrow. All systems are go (hopefully) and everything that has been previously mentioned/talked about goes into effect. If camp was a rocket ship we'd be counting down.

Anyway, I really have no good things to say or stories to relate to you right now. Pray that camp goes well. I should have some better stuff next week. Until then,


Friday, June 20, 2008

Sitting, Sailing, Singing, Standing, Searching...

Hello at the end of week one of Staff Training!

The title pretty much sums up all the "S'' words I have been involved in during the first week out here at Cedarwood. There are probably more. Who has time to list them all though. I most likely don't.

Things have been going really well out here. Everything is underway in all aspects of camp and it is a beautiful thing to see community built so quickly and to have so many people with good hearts and work ethic. Pray that can continue and that energy levels would remain high as everyone has lots of work to do.

Mostly I have been doing lots of music stuff so far and my band is amazing and talented. I think they are all better than me, so that is helpful and nice. This is Dale, he plays guitar.

Dale is a wonderful character.

This week the majority of our teaching has come from Pastor Daren Redekopp (a former director at Cedarwood) and has focused on the gospel. What it is, why we believe it and how it should take root in our lives so that it may transform us every day. We often take the simple message that Christ died for our sins for granted and apply it only to our conversion experience, however, the gospel is worth far more than that in our daily lives and deserves a lifetime's worth of study and thought.

Anyway, this is an update, not a sermon, so blessings on your day and thank you for your prayers. Cheers,


Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Rival....

Ok, so I don't have a rival so much has I had an arrival at camp yesterday. Yes, I packed up my van yesterday as you can see here:

After packing my van at 8 am I headed to the YFC office where, lucky me, I was privileged enough to do some more packing of our program office in the city. That's what the next picture is all about.

And now, camp is here. And I have an office. And I have lots of work to do. And life is good.

To give an update on staff, we are currently at enough counselors to run the summer without pulling our hair out too much. So please praise the Lord for that because it has been a huge answer to prayer. Thanks for the prayer and support. More updates next week. Cheers,


Monday, May 12, 2008

Wow, I'm terrible...

Alright, so I missed last Friday. I apologize. I'm sure I've let down hundreds of people. Ok, maybe not, but still. I sorta feel bad. Anyway, brief update:

-still looking for music
-found a few more comedy resources
-solidified some more games ideas
-ummm, that may be it.

Sorry it's short! But it's been a busy day so I will continue on with the work. Take care everyone, until Friday hopefully when I have a way better entry. Cheers,


Friday, May 2, 2008

The Haps...

"Haps" stands for happenings, in case you were wondering. Apparently the new trend with kids these days is to abbreviate everything. Eventually we'll just be reciting the alphabet to each other I guess. Or we'll progress to mind reading...

Anyway, enough about pop-teen culture and more about what's going on. I was going to bring my camera to the office today so you could see my beautiful working environment, but I forgot it at home so it will have to wait till after the weekend. Sucks for you, but probably not that much. It's not that exciting of an office.

I've been receiving some support already which I am very thankful for. And since I am thankful I will say thank-you. So, thanks.

Summary of new things:

-Recording is going splendid. (view videos of that at
-I hit a rough patch in searching for music but then encountered a gold mine shortly thereafter.
-Unfortunately gold mines aren't much use when searching for Christian music.
-Fortunately I also found some good Christian music.
-Found a great sketch that might be possible to recreate at camp. It's from a recent Saturday Night Live episode and involves Christopher Walken (obviously) It's called "Surprise Party" and you might be able to find it online at
-Am in the process of pricing out a new sailboard set-up for camp

I think those are most of the things going on. Let me know if you have any ideas for anything, or comments on what you would enjoy reading about on here. I'd be happy to oblige (good word, eh?)

Also, if you're the praying type, we are still looking for counselors for the summer. On that note, if you're the kicking-in-the-pants type, feel free to kick some people you think would be great at camp in the pants and get them to apply!



P.S. I am trying to aim for an update every Friday, so check back here next week for more e-news about e-Cedarwood/Jordan things.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Flying-by of Time Starts Now


Well, I've been in the office for about two weeks now so I will give a brief update of the happenings.

1. I've already been out to camp to talk with some people there and get excited about new ideas. Our climbing wall is being revamped and improved which is really good (if you're into that sort of thing)

2. I've listened to piles of music in an attempt to find some good p-tunes for camp. These are songs that we perform each night that have lyrics that are somewhat tied to the theme. Favorites so far in the preliminary process:

Run Kid Run - Captives Come Home (
Copeland - Eat Sleep Repeat (

3. Today recording will start with my band so I will be fitting in a bit of camp prep in where I can but mostly will be focused on that until the middle of May.

Check out the links on the right side for some good stuff on the web (including my band's music). Please pray that everyone in the office will be able to get stuff done in good time and pray also for staff for the summer. Cheers friends!,....